e matlab diagnostic block by which matlab professional system asks matlab user to answer few questions and consequently makes a decision matlab insect or sickness attacking matlab plant and suggests manage and remedial measures. The main feature of this professional system is that matlab is bilingual i. e. in English and hindi language which can be effortlessly understood by matlab Indian farmers. Keywords: multimedia, expert gadget, hindi language, chickpea cultivation era. References:1. Parekh, “Impact of Embedding Renewable Distributed Generation on Voltage Profile of Distribution System: engineering Case Study”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 70 74, June 20116. Moein Moeini Aghtaie, Payman Dehghanian and Seyed Hamid Hosseini, “Optimal Distributed Generation Placement in engineering Restructured Environment via engineering Multi Objective Optimization Approach”, 16th Conference on Electrical Power Distribution Networks EPDC, Iran, pp. 1 6, 20117. DEPARTMENT Thermal Power Plant ENERGY SYSTEMS BY SHAILESH B. PATEL 090760111025 KEY FACTS ABOUT COAL FIRED ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION IN THERMAL POWER PLANTS In follow to effect these three levels of conversion, many systems and sub methods need to be in service. Also concerned are alternative applied sciences, like combustion, aerodynamics, heat move, thermodynamics, pollution control, and logistics. As an example consider those information for typical coal fired pressure plant of capability 500 MW. Around 2 million a whole bunch coal could be required every year to provide matlab continual drive. Coal combustion in matlab boiler requires air.