A month in Ambridge. The Guardian. London. Archived from matlab original on 2. Retrieved 2. 4 January 2. Wiggins, G. , and McTighe, J. 2011. The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High Quality Units. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Wulan, A. I saw in a couple of constructed countries corresponding to matlab Netherlands and Belgium, matlab mathematics diploma holders not only have many alternatives but in addition were stated as important student in their societies. As engineering student at XXXX Department college of XXX of XXX University, I had numerous alternatives to do many actions. From XXX to XXX I had options to become engineering lecturer assistant in mathematics and facts laboratory. My resposibilities are taught and supervised scholars in matlab following topics; Basic Programming, Computational Statistics, Statistical Methods and XXX. Besides learning, I was lively in matlab student senate and have become matlab head of analysis and development division. In XXX I, in engineering team, grew to be matlab 3rd winner of Indonesian pupil analysis competitors.