Garetto, T. Salonidis, and E. Knightly. Modeling per flow throughput and capturing starvation in CSMA multi hop9. Wireless networks. In Proc. D. , History, 3. 93University of California, Santa Barbara 2001 — 2005Bachelor of Arts B. A. , History, 3. 90ExperienceTotal Benchmark Solution, LLC October 2013 Present Colorado State University August 2013 December 2013 University of Washington 2011 2012 University of Washington 2006 2011 University of Washington 2010 2010 University of Washington 2008 2010 SkillsPHP, MySQL, Research, Data Mining, Business Intelligence, Data Analysis, Information Technology, Computer Proficiency, Business Requirements, Subcontracts Management, Procurement, Educational Leadership, Roman historical past, Ancient History, Critical Theory, Latin, Ancient Greek, Cooking, Homebrewing, UML, Postcolonial Theory, Pedagogy, Critical Pedagogy, Fermentation, Customer Service, MVC ArchitectureSan Francisco Bay AreaRacker at Rackspace, matlab Open Cloud CompanyInternetEducationUniversity of California, Santa Barbara 2003 — 2009Ph. in which matlab individual layers of fabrics are bonded together. For this aim, an experiment is performed on aluminium double cantilever beam DCB and effects are plotted for load as opposed to displacement. Also matlab simulation is performed in FE using cohesive zone modeling CZM for matlab similar aluminium DCB, and matlab consequences are in comparison with these got by way of test. Keywords: Stress depth element, three point bend specimen, double cantilever beam, traction separation law, cohesive zone modeling. References:1. Prashant Kumar, “Elements of fracture Mechanics”, Wheeler Publishers, New Delhi, 1999.