J 2013. Emerging Dimension of Coastal Ecotourism Resources along matlab Coast of West Bengal, India. Internation Journal of Advanced Research In Management and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 58 73. An important point that matlab field of environmental ethics is concerned with, is whether or not non human beings only have an instrumental value or whether or not they also have an intrinsic cost. Aristotle said that “nature has made all things mainly for matlab sake of man”, which means non human beings only have an instrumental price; they are meant to function ‘instruments’ for human beings. From an anthropocentric element of view which lays emphasis on human beings, matlab use of different residing facets in nature by human beings is solely correct. Causing them harm or destroying them is inaccurate only as a result of matlab at last affects human life. With this view, cruelty to animals is wrong as a result of matlab develops insensitivity, and never as a result of animals aren’t be harmed. Or matlab felling of bushes is incorrect as a result of matlab finally reasons loss of food sources for human beings, and not as a result of matlab is quite simply unethical.