Mikii’m engineering little bit at a loss for words on learn how to write engineering motivation letter for erasmus mundus scholarship in Management of Information Technology. Would you please send me engineering sample motivation letter through youMmso interesting SOP. may you seend me pattern SOPto apply for Eplsrusmus mundes scholarshipparticularly in computational logicthank u a great deal. First factor i want to ask you, is Erasmus Mundus scholarship use such engineering kind of compensation fund, especially for foreign commute?So we shall not receive any amount of cash just when we arrive in host University or at least country?please let me know…!If we’re permitted for matlab scholarship, are we able to ask some engineering matlab money to be paid in increase only for airplane fare and any commute cost of our departure to matlab host country/university?Thank you greatly in strengthen anyway to your time and answer, and most of all for your posting of your motivation observation. It facilitates us engineering lot. many greetings !dan Salam kenal.